Sunday, December 15, 2013

Pregnancy *13 Weeks*

Hi Everyone!!! Today I'm 13 weeks pregnant!! With only 7 more weeks until I'm halfway done, this pregnancy is just moving along. I thought I would start sharing each week; how big the baby is, how I'm doing, and maybe a picture my baby bump. So here goes...

13 Weeks


Depending on which website you want to believe, baby is either the size of a peapod or a peach.
Baby now should be measuring about 3 inches long.
And baby should weigh about an ounce.


Still having morning sickness.
Baby doesn't like coffee, so I'm going through withdrawals. (It's been 4 days and counting)
I've been craving fruits and veggies.
Still have to go to the bathroom every 1-2 hours, even wake up at night to go.
Other than morning sickness & battling a cold, I feel pretty good!

Hopes for this week:

To start feeling better (hopefully no more morning sickness & headaches)
To find all my baby/pregnancy books in the garage.


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Just For Fun!

I took a baby predictor test and here are my results!

Veronica is expecting a baby!
Her due date is Sunday, June 22nd 2014.

we predict that she will have a
Sunday, June 22nd 2014
12:20 pm
4116 g ~ 9 lbs, 1 oz
Get your prediction at

I'm really hoping this baby won't weigh 9lbs. If it did, that would be my biggest baby yet!


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Pregnancy Update

Hi Everyone!! So a few days ago (Thursday) I had another doctors appointment, so I thought I would update you all on how things are going.

So in my last post (the 7 Weeks Pregnant one) I talked about how I had been spotting, well it had been coming and going ever since I found out I was pregnant. But starting on Monday of this week, it was really bad and Tuesday was pretty bad too. I just *knew* something wasn't right even though my doctor told me not to worry, its all normal, etc. etc..

On Monday afternoon, I was telling my Hubby this isn't normal, I know my body regardless of what the doctor says, I just know this isn't right. But I was told by my doctor that unless I was going through pad after pad not to call them or to worry.

Then early Thursday morning (like 2am) I was woken up by some intense cramping. Luckily I had an appointment to see the doctor that morning, so hopefully I would be getting some answers soon.

The nurse took me back into the room, I waited for 10 minutes for the doctor to come see me. She said it's still too early to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler, so she was going to get me an ultrasound, especially with all the spotting and now the cramping going on.

So I waited another 15 minutes for the ultrasound technician to come get me.

And that's when I got to see my beautiful baby just jumping around in my belly! :-) And I got to hear the sweet little heartbeat. (That's always music to my ears!)

Once the ultrasound tech. was done looking around at my baby, she said just to sit there and wait while she typed up her report. (In case you aren't familiar with this, she types it up and it shows up on the screen where you were just seeing your baby, so you are able to read everything she writes.)

So I was reading what she was typing and automatically I knew something was wrong with the placenta because she had typed something about it. So anyways, she finishes up her report and brings me back to the room to wait for the doctor.

The doctor comes in a few minutes later and tells me that there is a rip in the placenta and that's what's causing the bleeding. So she tells me to not lift anything heavy and no intercourse for a week. And once I resume these activities if I start bleeding again to call them.

And she also told me that the baby is measuring further along than we thought, so I have a new due date. June 22, 2014

I'm happy to finally have answers as to what is going on with my baby. It feels good to know that I was right and that I'm not crazy after all.

The doctor said that it's fairly normal and everything should be fine, but I am still a little concerned that something could go wrong, so I'm trying my best to take it easy.

Wish us luck!!


Monday, December 2, 2013

Travel Pictures

Here are some pictures of our trip coming back home from ND... These were taken on November 4th.

Thanksgiving 2013

Here are a few pictures from Our Family's Thanksgiving this year.