Monday, August 29, 2016

Welcome To The World Baby #5 {Birth Story}

He is here and he is absolutely PERFECT!!!

Baby #5 made his arrival into the world almost 3 weeks ago now and i finally sitting down at the computer to share with you all his birth story (and what a story it is!).

Thursday, August 4th, I went to the doctor for my 38 week checkup. My doctor checked me and i was 3 cm dilated and about 50% effaced. So my doctor decided to strip my membranes in hopes to help labor along.

Immediately i was having strong contractions, but nothing consistent.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday i continued having strong contractions, but once again they were not consistent.

Monday afternoon (August 8th) i felt a bit of leaking, but wasn't 100% sure it was my water breaking because it didn't continually leak. It was just a few drips and then nothing.

Tuesday morning (August 9th) i decided to call my doctor, to just let her know about the small leaking just in case. They set me up an appointment that morning at 10:30 to check me out.

I get to the doctors office and they check me to see if my water did break, they took 2 tests. One was positive and the other was negative. So my doctor told me to go straight to the hospital as she wasn't sure if i was in labor or not and she wanted me to be seen by the doctor on call there.

My husband and I rushed to the hospital. They put me in an exam room to check me and see if my water did break, just like my doctor did. That test at the hospital came back negative.

The doctor there at the hospital was questioning me, do you really think your water broke? I told her i'm not sure. She decided to do an ultrasound to find out.

The ultrasound results were not good.

I had very little amniotic fluid.

That's when the doctor said we are going to have a baby today.

We are going to start you on Pitocin right away.

They put me into a labor room and started the Pitocin around 2:30 in the afternoon.

The contractions, caused by the Pitocin, were finally becoming so unbearable that by 6:00 i decided to get an epidural.

20 minutes after getting the epidural i was finally ready to push.

I started pushing, then the doctor told me to stop.

Something was wrong.

The baby had his cord wrapped tightly around his neck.

They had to cut it free.

Once he was free, i pushed some more and by 6:26 Baby #5 was born.

He was all gray/white and his face had some bruising, but he was finally here.

I was finally holding my baby in my arms.

That was one of the most scariest labor/delivery I've ever been through.

Here he is after getting all cleaned up, a few hours old.

Here he is getting his hearing tested at the hospital, 1 day old.

Here he is, one week old.

Here he is, 2 weeks old

He is doing great! He is an amazing little baby.

Life is good!

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