Thursday, April 5, 2018

House News, Homeschooling, and more... {Real Life Update}

Hi Guys!

So, last week in my house hunting post, i talked about how i wanted to do a real life update about once a week to keep you all updated on the many different things going on in our life. Well, today is the day. I have some new news about the house and just some other things i thought i would share.

real life update 1

I'll start with house news first because that's what i am most excited about. Things are going great right now. Last time i updated you all, we had the inspection done and that was great.

This week we got the appraisal done, which is a major thing for the bank to continue on with the underwriting process. Like we were at a standstill until the appraisal was completed. So yay, appraisal was done and it was great as well!

The house we are buying has it's own septic system and private well, both of which are getting tested for quality, etc. Today we heard back about the septic system, and everything is good with it.

So that whole process is continuing on and doing well.


Homeschooling is going well, we have finished up several subjects as we are nearing the end of our school year, only 5 more weeks to go!

The school room is actually all packed up for our impending move, so we have been doing our school work at the dinning room table. And sometimes the boys like to work in their room, where it is a little less noisy.

I'm going to start planning for next school year very soon. I'm excited to make some changes and try out different curriculum.


I'm in the middle of reading Wild and Free, and although i never do this, i felt compelled to grab out my highlighter and highlight different passages that spoke to me. I'm on page 95 as of right now and it's a pretty great book so far!


I shared on Easter that Karina was sick, well the sickness has slowly been trickling through the family. It started with Lincoln, then went to Samuel, up next Karina got it, now Dasean is dealing with it. I'm hoping it will spare Cruz, my husband and myself. *fingers crossed*


That's it! That's my real life (in mostly real time) update! Let me know what's been going on in your life lately. I'd love to hear from you!

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*Stock photos provided by Unsplash*

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