Saturday, January 5, 2019

Goals For January 2019

Hi Guys!

Instead of doing a blog post about all my goals for the year, i thought i would share each month my goals for that month, because they can change.

There are some big goals like "get down to my goal weight this year", which doesn't change monthly, but most of my goals this year will change each month.

So without further ado, here are my goals for January 2019...

january 2019 goals

  1. Read 4 books - My major book reading goal this year is to read 50 books, so for January i want to read at least 4.
  2. Lose 10 pounds - Almost 2 years ago now, i lost a lot of weight, but unfortunately i gained all of it back and then some. So for January i hope to lose at least 10 pounds!
  3. Buy only 1 coffee from a coffee shop - I've gotten so used to every time i leave the house i buy myself a cup of coffee, i want to put a stop to that. So this month i have challenged myself to only buy myself 1 cup a coffee from a coffee shop this month.
  4. Go on at least 3 field trips - We have been slacking in the field trip department, so i really want to start making them a priority.
  5. Get at least 10,000 steps each day - This shouldn't be too hard of a goal, as i usually get 10,000 - 12,000 steps every day, but i want to start being more intentional with my steps because next month my goal will be even higher.
  6. Drink at least 4 bottles of water each day - When the weather gets colder i find it harder to drink water, so i'm really pushing myself to drink lots of water each day.
  7. Workout 5 times a week - This can be hard for me, because if i'm getting 10,000+ steps every day i can convince myself that i have moved enough so working out isn't necessary, when it really is.
  8. Put my phone down more and be present with my family - I wouldn't say i am obsessed with my phone, but i can get lost in mindless scrolling versus being present with my family. This goal isn't specifically for January, but for the whole year.
That's it, those are my goals for this month. I'd love to hear your goals.

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*Stock photo provided by Unsplash.*

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